A Guide to Running Your AC While on Vacation

July 24, 2023

A Guide to Running Your AC While on Vacation

July 24, 2023

A Cool Vacation Starts at Home

Heading out on a well-deserved summer vacation is pure bliss, but what about your trusty air conditioning? Should it stay on, off, or somewhere in between? Figuring out the best approach to manage your AC while you're away can be a head-scratcher. Fret not! We've got you covered with essential tips to strike the perfect balance between energy savings and home comfort during your getaway.

Should You Turn Off Your AC While on Vacation?

The answer might surprise you—no need to turn it off completely. However, a few simple steps can help you make the most of your AC while you're away:

  1. Fresh Filters for a Fresh Start: Replace your air filter to keep your AC running efficiently. And if it's been a while since your last maintenance visit, schedule one before you leave.
  2. Lock It Down, Shut It Tight: Ensure all doors, windows, curtains, storm shutters, and blinds are securely closed to keep the sun at bay
  3. Unplug and Chill: Give your cooling system a break by unplugging appliances and electronics. Those sneaky energy vampires won't be causing trouble while you're away.
  4. Smart Thermostats for the Win: Get clever with a programmable thermostat! Pre-set temperature settings so you come back to a cozy home.
  5. Tailor Settings to Trip Length: If you're off on an extended adventure, turning off the AC won't make it work harder later. In fact, it saves energy and money, as AC units are most efficient when running at full speed.
  6. Weekend Getaways Delight: For short escapades, set the thermostat somewhere between your usual comfort level and 85 degrees. A little adjustment goes a long way!

Special Cases: When Extra Care Matters

In regions with sweltering heat and humidity, leaving your AC on around 78 degrees is a wise move. This prevents unpleasant surprises like mold growth and ensures your valuable items, such as artwork and wine, stay safe and sound.

You're Ready to Vacation in Peace!

With these smart AC tips, you can confidently embark on your summer escapade, knowing your home's comfort and energy efficiency are in good hands. Tailor your AC management to your vacation plans, and don't forget the perks of a programmable thermostat! For expert HVAC assistance in Port Charlotte and Charlotte County, Florida, Dales Heating and Air Conditioning has your back. Reach out at (941) 629-1712 or fill out our secure Contact Form, and let your vacation be worry-free while your home stays cool and comfy. Bon voyage!